Product Packaging Information

UPC Code
All of our chicken products carry this 10-digit code below the product bar code.
UPC Please provide the middle 10 numbers.



Lot Code / Sell By Date / Best If Used By Date
The lot code (4-digit Julian date), sell by date or best if used by date is stamped or embossed on our product packaging.
Below is an example of where you can find these codes on our chicken products:

The lot code is stamped on or above the tear strip on the box and on the inner packaging film. For individual chicken entrees, it is stamped on each entree’s individual wrapper. On chicken products, the 4-digit code may follow a letter.



Best If Used By
The Best If Used By Date is stamped on or above the tear strip on the box and on the inner packaging film. For individual chicken entrees, it is stamped on each entree’s individual wrapper.


How to Read a Julian Code

Many of our product codes use the Julian date method. A Julian date always has only four numbers. An example code might read 8278. The first number at the beginning of the code is the year, which would be 2018 in the example. The three numbers is the Julian day in the year the product was manufactured. For 2018, the 278th day was October 5th. A product with this example code was made on October 5, 2018. Another example code might be 0025. This Julian date would be January 25, 2020. If you see 0102, that would be April 11, 2020.



Plant Seal of Inspection
This seal of inspection identifies our plant code.